Friday, October 4, 2013

Sigmund Freud

Freud Discovers The Unconscious!
Sigmund Freud is a very known psychologist that is well know for the psychoanalytic approach and his theory of personality.  Freud`s work and theories helped shaped people`s views of childhood, personality, memory, sexuality, and therapy.  He thought of many things through a sexual manner.  Freud discovers the unconscious behavior which is when you are not responsible for much of your everyday behavior.  This is part of the psychoanalytic perspective.  Freud also added the structural model which divides the personality into the id, ego, and the superego.  The id starts at birth.  it is the selfish art in an individual, when you are only concerned with satisfying your own needs.  the next step in personality is the ego which is to satisfy one`s id impulses.  also, the ego is when you keep the impulses in the unconscious.  A person`s ego moves among the conscious, preconscious, and the unconscious parts of an individuals mind.  The superego  represents the parent`s values and standards.  The superego puts on more restrictions on what one can and cannot do (Burger, 2011, p.40-45).
I feel that I have developed greatly from my id, ego, and superego.  I am not a selfish individual, so I believe that my id have helped me with my ego.  I feel that I have a strong ego.  My ego helps satisfy any id impulses.  My ego helps me lessen any tension that I may have in life.  My ego helps me deal with responsibilities on the daily basis.  My ego is based on my id, which helps to satisfy my id's desires.  I continue to go into my superego when I need to make the right judgments, like knowing what is right from wrong.  For example, when I am trying to make a decision, I know now which is right from wrong, and I always go with the right answer.  I always try to make the good judgments in life.  I want to do what is best for me (Burger, 2011, p.40-45).
Strengths: Gives a strong concept of the id, ego, and superego, and good theory of defense mechanisms.
Weaknesses: I do not like how his stages of development is based off of sexual desires.  I don't like how he always thinking sexual.

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