Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Abraham Maslow

Maslow`s Hierarchy of needs!

Abraham Maslow focused his attention on the conscious aspects of personality.  Maslow describes two different types of motives: Deficiency motives and growth needs.  Deficiency motives result from a lack of some needed object such as hunger and thirst.  Deficiency motives are satisfied once the needed object has been met.  However, growth needs are not satisfied once the object has been met.  Growth needs include "the unselfish giving of love to others and the development of one`s unique potential". 

Maslow identified five basic categories of needs, which are both deficiency and growth.  These five basic needs are known as Maslow`s hierarchy of needs.  Maslow placed the five categories into a hierarchy, which is that some needs demand satisfaction before others.  Individuals attend the needs at the lower levels before going up on the higher levels.  In life, My physiological needs are always met which includes hunger, thirst, air, and sleep.  After meeting this level I move up to safety needs, which is met for me as of now.  I have security, stability, protection, and structure for myself in my young age.  I would say I would be continuing myself at belongingness and love needs.  However, I think I have just met that stage.  I have been in a relationship with my boyfriend for 5 years now, and we are very happy.  I am also very happy with my friends and family.  I would say that I have stopped at the esteem needs.  I think that I need to build myself some self esteem.  I would need continue to go up the pyramid to the need for self-actualization.  However, I dislike how you need to go up on the pyramid and not just start where you would like.

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