Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Carl Rogers

Becoming a fully functioning individual!
Carl Rogers was the first therapist to come up with a "person-centered" approach.  Rogers expanded his thoughts from psychotherapy to a general theory of personality.  He then applied this to the humanistic approach.  Rogers maintained that we as individuals try to strive to reach an optimal sense satisfaction with our lives.  This is what we call fully functioning.  Individuals want to attain the highest part in their lives (Burger 279). 

Individuals that are fully functioning are:
1.always open to new experiences. 
2. try to live each moment as it hits them.
3.learn to trust their feelings.
4. Less prone to conform the roles dictated by societal expectations.
5. follow the traditional path of college, job, marriage, and family.
6. experience their feelings more deeply and more intensely than others.
7. and people accept and express their anger.

After reading about Carl Rogers and his theory about being fully functioning, I thought that this can best relate to my personality.  I am a type of person who is always open to new experiences, I will most likely try something new at least once.  I also live with each moment as it hits me.  I try to take my life day by day, and I try to stay positive as much as I can.  I try not to let many things bother me.  I always have said that everything happens for a reason.  I have learned to trust my feelings, but I am still working on this.  I am also starting to follow the traditional path.  I am still finishing up my college years and have a job.  I will then work on marriage and family.  Finally, people know when I am not myself and angry.  However, I do not express it to others.  I try to hid it.  Overall, I believe that my personality can relate to Carl Rogers` Fully functioning theory.


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