Tuesday, September 24, 2013


The Big Five Personality!
The Trait Approach is a different way to approach individuals personality.  Traits is a dimension of personality used to categorize people according to the degree to which they manifest a certain characteristic (Burger 150).   Raymond Cattell was a personality theorist that devoted his studies on discovering how many personality traits there are.  Cattell came up with the Trait Approach The Big Five (Burger 159).  The Big Five are five basic dimensions of personality.  The five traits are Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness. 

The traits that fit me the most is Extraversion and Conscientiousness.  The trait Extraversion fits me best when I show my outgoing and fun personality.  Conscientiousness fit me best when I am at work, in the zone, with my serious personality in play.  With the trait Extraversion, I would consider myself high in.  I am a sociable person who is energetic and friendly.  I enjoy spending time with friends and family and spending time in social situations.  I am also a fun-loving person. 
I find myself in the Conscientiousness trait when I am at work.  I am very well organized at school but also at school as well.  I also am well plan oriented and determined when trying to get a task done either at school or at school.  I find myself trying to be as achieving as I can.  I believe that Extraversion and Conscientiousness would describe me most in The Big Five. 

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